Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Little Red Riding Hood

I displayed twelve picture book versions of Little Red Riding Hood all featuring wonderful illustrators. My favorite is by Trina Schart Hyman. I had the children vote on the book with their favorite illustrations and that was the book that I would read to the group. The book they chose was illustrated by Christopher Bing and it lent itself very well to sharing as the illustrations are large and finely detailed. 

I've been wanting to do a Little Red Riding Hood program for a while. My main obstacle was deciding what kind of craft to do with the school aged group. After many a Google searches I came up with idea of using a  sequencing story board that was already available from DLTK- growing together. Each of the children received a stack of nine images telling the story of Little Red riding Hood, with their craft materials and they put them in story order.

Below is the example I showed them and their work. I really should have given them a larger piece of poster board to work with. Although, as is always the goal -- creativity played itself out and the other side of the poster board was used. The pre-cut Red and Wolf  were taped to skewers so they could play with them on their pictures and as shadow puppets at home.

I played  the song Little Red Riding Hood by Freakwater several times during our craft time.
The song is available on the album The Bottle let Me Down

go to Amazon for a free listen and purchase.

For a treat we watched a portion of Shelley Duvalls's Little Red Riding Hood
from her Fairy Tale Theatre Series
and had a yummy snack of children's wine (sparkling juice), potato rolls and cookies.
A red cape, red hat and a wolf puppet joined us as well. 

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